Manarags 2 quick documentation A few years ago I wrote an anagram-generating program called "Manarags" (an anagram for 'anagrams' itself) in Quickbasic as a programming challenge for myself and so that I could generate anagrams (which were one of my wordly obsessions at the time, and perhaps still are). The program worked but was frightfully slow and limited by the QB string space of 32k. Over winter break when I was home and Really Bored, I decided I'd rewrite the program in 32-bit C++... it was surprisingly simple to do (I guess I have gotten better) and seems to be thousands of times faster. You might need a DOS extender to make this work; if it doesn't run try getting this one: Source is free, and included in the file You will need the wordlist file, which should be called wordlist.asc. You can edit this file as you wish to remove or add words, as long as it loosely follows the format of the original. If the wordlist is not alphabetically ordered, then the output will not be. To use manarags, invoke on the command line like so: mana phraseforanagrammingwithoutspacesorpunctuation It's recommended that you redirect the output (which normally goes to the console) to a file, thus: mana theymightbegiants > tmbg.txt However, if you are savvy with redirection you can do some fancy stuff, especially with grep (and have it installed): mana thomasmurphy | grep "trophy" > tom.txt Will print out only anagrams of thomasmurphy which have the word "trophy" in them. Switches: -q : quiet mode -m 3 : minimum word length is 3 -b 150 : just print out the 150 biggest words and quit -i poop.txt : use poop.txt as wordlist instead of wordlist.asc -f vogon : all anagrams must contain the word 'vogon' [[[[Tom 7 Happy License Agreement - Free Happiness through Free Software]]]] Finally, this program may be redistributed, reverse engineered, altered, sold, adapted, published, publicly maligned, or in fact anything you want with it, as long as it makes someone happy. If the net unhappiness which is produced from the use of the program and deriviatives ever exceeds the net happiness, then distribution of the program should cease, as the license will become void. Tom 7